
Can Your Business Compete Without Using a Cloud Fax Service?

Sending faxes using a cloud faxing service is more important now than it ever was before. The benefits are obvious from a day to day efficiency standpoint, but they can also be quite apparent when you think about how a cloud fax service could potentially help your corporation meet necessary regulatory compliance requirements. Let’s look at two situations that cloud based faxing can be a lifesaver when it comes to ensuring that your corporation is always on the right side of the law.

HIPAA Faxing in the Healthcare Industry

HIPAA faxes are a way to guarantee that faxes sent and received between doctors, hospitals, and insurance agencies are all treated with the utmost confidentiality. Doctor-patient confidentiality is strictly required in the United States, and breaching it by using unsecure faxing method could bring a lawsuit against you and your organization.When you use an outsourced fax service that properly protects confidential health information, you never have to worry about violating HIPAA compliance requirements. All faxes sent and received using a HIPAA fax service meet HIPAA regulations by strong encryption of data and communication over secure network links. You can rest easy knowing that you’ll never have to worry about confidential data being leaked to the wrong hands.

The Problem with Not Using a HIPAA Fax Service

If you still use traditional faxing, you may be putting your business at risk. An unscrupulous employee may leak a document or steal a fax without you knowing about it, and the consequences could be severe. Using traditional faxing, you really have to ask: how long can my business function using such an outdated and unsecure technology?

SOX Regulations in the United States

SOX stands for Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance. It’s a measure passed by the United States government in an effort to increase corporate transparency and reduce the chances of corporations breaking the law. The law requires that all publicly traded corporations maintain all of their correspondences with their auditors for five years. If you are still using traditional faxes to communicate with auditors, this can be a huge challenge. It could mean potentially having to store thousands of pages of documents in a room somewhere in your building.

Not only that, but if you actually have to show these documents one day, it could mean hours digging through all of them looking for the exact document needed. Cloud fax services make all of this irrelevant. All faxes are stored securely online and can be accessed at anytime with a simple click of the mouse. It means you can forget about storing all those bulky documents and then sorting through them in case you actually need to find a fax document.

In Conclusion

Cloud faxing ensures that your business can function efficiently well into the future, no matter what demands the government makes of you. All of your faxes will be HIPAA compliant and in the event of an audit, you’ll be able to retrieve the necessary faxes in a matter of minutes, not hours. Clearly using a cloud faxing service is a better option when it comes to your business, and it could well be technology that guarantees that your business stays relevant, and out of trouble, in the coming years.

Contact Softlinx to learn more or schedule a demo of our secure HIPAA fax service today.

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