
6 Reasons Insurance Agencies Need Secure Cloud Faxing

The insurance industry requires the receiving, sharing, and storing of significant amounts of documentation, often containing personal identifiable information (PII) and protected health information (PHI), or any data that could potentially identify a specific individual and/or their personal health information.

Examples of PII and PHI include:

  • Social Security number.
  • Driver’s license number.
  • Financial account numbers.
  • Credit card numbers.
  • Personal health information, such as medical records, diagnoses, or medications.

It can also include claim forms, approvals, denials, and more. To avoid legal penalties, insurance agents need a secure way to communicate with clients, store their information, and get signatures for essential forms. Typically, agents store these documents in a paper format, but because they need to regularly share this information with brokers, clients, and others, they often turn to fax solutions.

For the most secure and convenient way to share information, insurance agencies should switch to cloud faxing. Below are six reasons insurance agents need to use secure cloud faxing as part of their every-day routines.

1. Cloud Faxing Is Secure and Compliant

High-level end-to-end data encryption through cloud faxing ensures all data sent and received is protected. These services meet all relevant industry compliance requirements such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS).

Cloud fax services create a log of every sent and received fax, including deletion information, for auditing purposes. And with real-time, secure transfer through the cloud, there’s no risk of papers sitting on fax machines or hackers intercepting information.

Additionally, these services provide control over who has access to sent and received faxes and related data, and track who sends/receives/accesses files.

All of these benefits ensure all PHI and PII is secure, prioritizing protecting sensitive data and offering peace of mind for both senders and recipients.

2. Cloud Faxing Improves Productivity and Workflows

Insurance agents are busy and must use their time wisely in order to generate new clients and ensure existing clients are taken care of. Cloud faxing simplifies faxing tasks, therefore improving the processing time of sending and receiving faxes. It eliminates annoyances like junk faxes, as well as the need to deal with paperwork, refilling papers and ink, ordering supplies, maintaining equipment, and related tasks.

Additionally, cloud fax APIs and automation tools enable insurance companies and other businesses to send and receive faxes from within your current applications, providing seamless integration and quick transition to the service.

3. Cloud Faxing Is More Cost-Efficient

With cloud faxing, there’s no need to purchase or pay for maintenance of equipment or buy paper or ink. There’s also no need to take up valuable space with large fax machines.

Additionally, cloud faxing reduces wait time spent waiting for faxes, so employees can spend time doing other things. This frees up dollars to be spent elsewhere.

Plus, with cloud faxing services, monthly costs are more manageable and predictable, allowing for easier and more accurate budgeting.

4. Cloud Faxing Is Convenient and Efficient

Agents won’t need to rely on fax machines or dedicated phone lines – all they need is a desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device. Agents can send or receive faxes anywhere at any time via one of these devices without additional hardware or equipment, which is especially helpful for agents who are often on the go.

These cloud fax services can be easily set up via an app or software, provide access to user-friendly online faxing tools via email and web, and have a user portal with features that make managing faxes and requirements easy. Data is automatically synced across devices, and allows for use of email to fax, print to fax, web fax, and multifunction printers (MFPs).

5. Cloud Faxing Offers Ongoing Customer Support

Insurance agents need to be working with and for customers, not sitting on hold or waiting for service or maintenance. Cloud faxing services have live agents who can help answer questions and troubleshoot quickly, providing a responsive and prompt resolution of service-related issues to get you back to work as soon as possible.

Additionally, these services offer frequently updated equipment and consistent, effective maintenance.

6. Cloud Faxing Offers a Better Customer Experience

Not only is cloud faxing beneficial for agents, but it also creates a positive experience for customers. Agents can receive and send documents easily, including those that need signatures or approvals. They can more easily avoid errors, downtime, and time it takes to manually send faxes. Customers don’t need to have access to a fax machine. Then, customer transactions are smoother, preventing negative experiences. This increases customer satisfaction.

Secure Cloud Faxing For Insurance Companies With Softlinx

Cloud faxing is an excellent investment to ensure secure, reliable, and convenient faxing and storing of information. Our ReplixFax solution allows you to fax insurance documents with peace of mind that all PHI and PII is secure. It seamlessly integrates into workflows, has a user-friendly interface, supports various tools, and makes it easy to store and maintain critical documents.

Plus, we offer 24/7 problem resolution.

Learn more about ReplixFax by Softlinx and how secure fax services can help your insurance business. Contact us today to see a live demo by calling (800) 899-7724, emailing our sales team at or by filling out our online form.

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