
Why Providers Should Use Healthcare Cloud Fax Systems

Sometimes, we do something a certain way because it’s how we’ve always done it. When it comes to healthcare cloud faxing, our secure fax services have significant benefits over traditional faxing. A few of the good reasons to make the switch:

Reduced Risk of HIPAA Violations

When it comes to maintaining the privacy and security of sensitive healthcare information, our HIPAA compliant fax service offers unparalleled protection. By leveraging this advanced solution, you can significantly reduce the risk of HIPAA violations and safeguard your clients’ confidential records.

With secure cloud-based healthcare fax services, your communications are shielded throughout the entire delivery process. This ensures the same level of security as a traditional phone line-based fax service. However, the advantages go beyond the standard security measures. Instead of relying on physical sheets of paper that can potentially be misplaced or left behind in fax machines, our service ensures that documents are delivered directly to your staff members’ computers.

Consistency with Digital Record Rules

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) introduced a pivotal requirement for healthcare providers, both public and private, to transition from traditional paper-based records to digitized formats. This transformative mandate aimed to enhance the quality and accessibility of health records. By utilizing a cloud-based fax system, you not only comply with the law but also maintain consistency with digital record rules, streamlining your operations and ensuring seamless adherence to regulatory standards.

When you embrace a cloud-based fax system, you effectively bridge the gap between traditional record-keeping methods and the digital realm. By keeping all of your in-house and patient-supplied records in a secure digital environment, you ensure compliance with the ARRA and other pertinent regulations. This transition to digital records aligns with the overarching objective of improving the quality, accuracy, and accessibility of healthcare information.

Enhanced Team Efficiency

In today’s fast-paced world, traditional faxing methods often prove to be inconvenient and time-consuming for businesses. However, with the introduction of cloud-based healthcare fax services, the process has been significantly streamlined, resulting in improved team efficiency.

Gone are the days of printing out records, physically placing them on a fax machine, dialing the recipient’s number, and patiently waiting for the fax to send. With a cloud-based healthcare fax service, your staff members can now effortlessly send important documents directly from their computers. This eliminates the need to deal with frustrating paper jams or encounter other common issues associated with traditional faxing methods.

The utilization of a healthcare cloud fax system allows your team to seamlessly queue the documents, send them with a simple click, and promptly move on to the next task at hand. By removing the cumbersome steps involved in traditional faxing, valuable time is saved, and team members can focus their energy on more critical responsibilities.

More Complete Records

When we deal with paper records, it is easy for items from a file to get lost. A sheet from a patient’s medical record may be pulled out to be faxed, but may not make it back into the file. Or, it may wind up returned to the wrong patient file. According to a study by PricewaterhouseCoppers, about 7.5% of a business’s documents are misfiled. This can lead to consequences like duplicated immunizations, misdiagnosis of health problems, over prescription of medications and prescribing of incompatible medications. With cloud faxing, the documents never leave your patient’s file. This way, you are more sure that your records are complete and accurate.

Less Paper Waste

When using traditional faxing, how often do you print a document, just to fax and discard it? Businesses in America use 12.1 trillion sheets of paper every year. Nearly half of all trees harvested are used to make paper. Additionally, paper production causes significant water pollution and uses large amounts of fossil fuels.

When you switch your faxing from paper to digital services, you can cut down on the amount of paper used in your office. You’ll reduce your impact on the environment and save money that might otherwise go to the costs associated with storing sent faxes.

Unlock the Benefits of Healthcare Cloud Fax Solutions with Softlinx

Don’t miss out on the countless benefits that cloud faxing can bring to your business. Contact Softlinx today and let us show you how our innovative cloud fax solution can revolutionize your healthcare cloud fax communications. Discover the power of efficiency, security, and cost savings with Softlinx. Schedule your free demo now.

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